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Mission & Vision


P4Q fosters partnerships between all stakeholders to build and strengthen relationships to provide real world experiences for our students in their least restrictive environment. We are a dedicated, inclusive community that perseveres in supporting individual needs to develop the necessary academic, social/emotional, and vocational skills. We strive to ensure our students become lifelong learners who self-advocate and achieve nothing short of excellence.


P4Q is a collaborative unit of educators, staff, students, parents, and community members that focus on the strengths and needs of every student, as individuals. We are committed to teach, encourage, and challenge all students with integrity, compassion, and dignity. We empower students to apply their knowledge to become independent, responsible, and productive citizens of the community as we are always striving for greatness.

As a P4Q Panda, we are…...

  • P - Proud
  • A - Accepting
  • N - Nurturing
  • D - Diverse
  • A - Able!!!
Positioned Script