Parent Coordinator


Name: Vanessa Murray


Phone: (646) 643-0976 or (718) 246-0916

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Please allow me to introduce myself to some and re-introduce myself to others. My name is Vanessa Murray, Parent Coordinator. I am honored to serve in the capacity of PC here at P4Q. It is indeed a privilege for me to support, encourage, and develop a positive relationship between our families and the school. As the Parent Coordinator, I am here to help advocate and help you find support services that will aid in the success of your child’s academics and wellbeing here at P4Q. I can assist with afterschool services and programs, medical information, D75 school wide events, collaborating with teacher and staff, and working with Community based organizations to bring informative parent workshops, as well as to help meet the needs of our families.

Here at P4Q and District 75, we believe and encourage the involvement of our parents/guardians. We at P4Q consider you to be the most valued members of the school. We welcome you!!! Please feel free to make use of our open-door policy when visiting and/or volunteering with any of our sites. Here at P4Q, we value your thoughts and opinions and that is why we encourage our families to participate in our Parent and Teacher Association whenever possible.

As your Parent Coordinator, I support the vision and the goals of our Principal, Dr. Denise D’ Anna, and what she has, is, and will accomplish for the children, families and staff here at P4Q.

P4Q as well as District 75 is excited to collaborate with staff and the PTA in terms of bringing events back into the schools as well as utilizing virtual online communication.

Feel free to reach me by phone at (646) 643-0976 or (718) 246-0916 and by email:

Thank you in advance for your participation and involvemen.

Vanessa Murray

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